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Scope Cast

a free to use tool with the future intent of being an integral part of how the construction industry procures work

All we ask is that you help us improve this tool to better serve the construction industry. If there are features that would improve the tool that would help you in your day to day business we are all ears. Send us an email if you don’t see a drop down you need or a way to phrase things within your scope packages. Say you want to send out request for shenanigans, but then again maybe shenanigans are not what you want for your business. You don’t like the template we have, and have a better template you want as an option to create scope packages. Email us an example of a template you want to use. We appreciate it if you let us know if you find bugs with the application. With the features we want to develop there will be a time we require help with the cost for the different services we utilize to operate this platform, but for right now everything is free. Enjoy and have fun building amazing projects. Please reach out and let us know what you think of the tool by emailing us as
Scope-Cast logo Scope-Cast
Scope management software created for leaders in the Construction Industry